PinnedPublished inTDS ArchiveIntuition behind Central Limit TheoremCentral Limit Theorem (CLT) is one of the most fundamental concepts in the field of statistics.Mar 8, 20211Mar 8, 20211
Anaplan Use-Case 10: To Select or Not To Select?Every now and then, we stumble upon situations where we need to refer to a value against a specific member of a list. In a formula…Jan 2Jan 2
Anaplan Use-Case 9: Aggregating across TimeOften, we find ourselves aggregating data for users. When Time dimension is not the one excluded, we deploy simple aggregation method…Dec 1, 2024Dec 1, 2024
Anaplan Use-Case 8: Dependent Dropdown / Filtered Picklist (Many-to-Many)Have you ever been asked to show a limited set of selectable values (as dropdown) in a list-formatted line-item Y based (dependent) on…Oct 14, 2024Oct 14, 2024
Anaplan Use-Case 5: Combination ListWe all encounter situations where business users need to work with numerous dimensions, each with a multitude of items. For a Solution…Aug 29, 2024Aug 29, 2024
Anaplan Use-Case 6: Override at Higher LevelWe have heard about “override” both in business planning and in Anaplan world. Often, business users import some data and then override a…Jun 13, 2024Jun 13, 2024
Anaplan Use-Case 7: Dependent Dropdown / Filtered Picklist (1-to-Many)Have you ever been asked to show a limited set of selectable values (as dropdown) in a list-formatted line-item Y based (dependent) on…Jun 2, 2024Jun 2, 2024
Why Anaplan Use-Case Series?“And suddenly you know: It’s time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings.” — Meister Eckhart.Apr 27, 2024Apr 27, 2024
Anaplan Use-Case 4: Linear InterpolationLinear Interpolation is a mathematical method used to estimate values between two known numbers. While not common, it does occasionally pop…Mar 10, 2024Mar 10, 2024